“We know no impossibility, although it may take a while if you expect miracles.”
Our mission is to provide You such high quality and comprehensive services that will lead to a lasting long-term cooperation.
You can always turn to us with confidence!
Consultancy in energetics and mining
We offer our Clients versatile consultancy specializing in energetics and mining, on such subjects as an energetics project, the review of your Company’s operation from the perspective of energy management but we are also prepared to represent your Company at authorities, government agencies. The opportunities to have access to funding from different tenders are crucial sources to fund your Company. Frequently, the success of an application for a tender can depend on the proper and precise formulation and compilation of your tender documentation - that is what we intend to give our assistance in.
Effective operational consultancy
Having analysed a Company’s organisational, productive, project processes and resources, we provide our Clients versatile consultancy about the organisation’s optimisation, including its effective operation, cost-efficiency and the development of an indispensable continual managerial control.
Business development, consultancy about company and asset assessment
Are you going to start some business development in energetics? Or would you just renew the passive attitude you have had to date? Should you have plans to develop your business in such a direction, e.g. you plan to acquire a company or an asset, you can share your questions with us with confidence. We can support your decision-making by setting up a complete assessment (due diligence) team.
Consultancy on business management
Have you happened to notice some hitches in your company’s operations; do you want to reduce the operating costs of your organisation and production; or would you respond to market challenges by developing a new organisation? We provide versatile business management consultancy to our Clients.
Training and development
Are you organising an internal corporate training event or a professional managerial conference? Turn to us with confidence!
Petroleum Upstream operative services
Production operation: with our professional experiences of more than 25 years we are prepared to perform production (mining) operation activities for our Customers, including the provision of the entire technical and supervisory staff, organising maintenance and well servicing (drilling and well repair).